Soldiers have guns and firefighters have their fire protectors. Just as carpenters have their hammers and mechanics their wrench. Every job, according to an old adage, requires a good and right tool thus nursing profession is not exempted. To get the best performance expected of a nurse, their skills must be accompanied with great tools and apparels. We have seen several articles of nurses and about nurses that wish universal, high technological suits to help them perform their jobs well. Well modern equipments are good but as long as these wishes are yet coming true, going back to basics is a lot of help.
What you would have here are the basic things that you should have with you before going to work. Of course, nur
ses will have their own sets and non-nurses would be thinking of these gears. So, this list of four main gadgets may vary according to every nurse’s perception. But, all in all, the things you can find here are of great help.
- Stethos cope - This is very elementary. Yes. Every nurses need to have a stethoscope. But as an observation, lately nurses no longer bring with them their own stethoscopes. For some reason that is, some hospitals provide them with one and they have it in their personal lockers. No matter the reason is or what this entry might look like for some, stethoscopes are important part of a nurse’s duty and it should either cling around his or her nape or primly kept on the medical scrubs.
- Clogs or Shoes – Being mobile is very important for a nurse and because of this proper shoes or clogs must be used. Rubber shoes are recommended because they do not easily slip off the floor and the breathable canvas are just the best materials to help the feet relax. Be cautioned of using sliders as it might cause accident when you are faced with emergency situation.
- Pens and Tablets – How would you ever chart a patients’ development with bare hands? Pens are impor
tant partners of nurses so make sure that your have always this tiny friend on your medical scrubs. Though one pen is enough but having 2 to 3 pens each with different color than the other is recommended. This is not for you to do art while on duty but just great way of putting emphasis on what you put in the chart. O yes. You can also equip yourself with highlighter and a sticky note.
- Watch – Remember when you were just in nursing school, watches are a must. Time in nursing is very important and you always need this small gadget. There are great watches out there though wristwatches are great. There are also watches that you can pin to your scrubs if you do not want to accessories your arm.
Other than these four, the most important of course would be your medical scrubs. You can always choose the best looking and super comfortable scrubs out there. Choose those with enough pockets so you can put everything that you needed in your duty in it.
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